Biography 略歴

Kohei SOGA, Ph. D. 曽我 公平

Professor, Department of Medical and Robotic Engineering Design, Tokyo University of Science
Professor, Research Institute for Biomedical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science

東京理科大学 先進工学部 機能デザイン工学科 教授
東京理科大学 生命医科学研究所 医療機器材料開発部門 教授

Prof. Kohei SOGA started his research on rare-earth-doped luminescent materials in 1990 as a graduate student of the University of Tokyo. His thesis concentrated on relating the spectroscopic properties of the rare earth ions and the structure of the host glass. After obtaining the Ph. D. degree in 1995, he explored his research onto the photonic applications, especially on that relating to optical communication. Beside the work on physical properties of icosahedral cluster solids started in 2000, he has extended the materials to nanophosphors. Since 2004, he has challenged to develop biophotonic system under near infrared excitation as an interdisciplinary research by a bio-nano-photonics collaboration. The research is attracting the interests from the researchers in medicine, biomaterials, photonic materials and bioengineering.

He has authored and co-authored 190 journal papers and presented totally more than 671 oral and poster presentations including 116 invited presentations.

He has authored and co-authored many journal papers and presented many presentations.
(227 papers, 130 invited lectures, over 718 presentations up to January, 2022)


1986-1990 Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Awarded the degree of BE in metallurgy.

1990-1992 Department of Metallurgy, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. Awarded the degree of ME in metallurgy for a thesis entitled “Optical properties of rare-earth ions in glasses”. Work supervised by Professor A. Makishima.

1992-1995 Department of Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo. Awarded the degree of PhD in materials science for a thesis entitled “Optical properties of rare-earth ions and their structures in glasses”. Work supervised by Professor A. Makishima.

Research and professional experience:

1994-1995 Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

1995-1999 Research Associate at Department of Materials Science, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, worked with Professor A. Makishima on properties and the structure of rare-earth doped glasses.

1999-2004 Research Associate at Department of Advanced Materials Science, Graduate School of Frontier Science, The University of Tokyo, working with Professor K. Kimura on properties of materials.

2004-2012 Associate Professor at Department of Materials Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, researching Nano-Particles Synthesis and Characterization along with continuing works on Icosahedral Cluster Solids.

2012-present Professor at Department of Materials Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, researching Nano-Particles Synthesis and Characterization along with continuing works on Icosahedral Cluster Solids, Biophotonics and Spectroscopy.

1999-2000 Post Doctoral Researcher at Department of Ceramic and Materials Engineering, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, NJ, USA, worked with Professor Richard E. Riman on synthesis and optical properties of rare-earth doped halide crystals.

2009-2010 Visiting Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R. O. C.

2010 Visiting Professor, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Yang Ming University, Taiwan, R. O. C.


東京理科大学 先進工学部 機能デザイン工学科 教授
東京理科大学大学院 先進工学研究科 マテリアル創成工学専攻 教授
東京理科大学 生命医科学研究所 医療機器材料開発部門 教授
理化学研究所 光量子光学研究センター 客員研究員

1967(S42)年1月 東京生まれ
1986(S61)年4月 東京大学教養学部理科2類入学
1988(S63)年4月 東京大学工学部金属工学科進学
1990(H 2)年3月 東京大学工学部金属工学科卒業
1990(H 2)年4月 東京大学大学院工学系研究科金属工学専攻修士課程入学
1992(H 4)年3月 東京大学大学院工学系研究科金属工学専攻修士課程修了
1992(H 4)年4月 東京大学大学院工学系研究科材料学専攻博士課程進学
1995(H 7)年3月 東京大学大学院工学系研究科材料学専攻博士課程修了 博士(工学)学位取得

1995(H 7)年4月 東京大学大学院工学系研究科材料学専攻 助手
1999(H11)年3月 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科物質系専攻 助手
2004(H16)年4月 東京理科大学基礎工学部材料工学科 講師
2007(H19)年4月 同 准教授
2012(H24)年4月 同 教授

1992(H 4)年4月~1994(H 6)年3月
科学技術庁無機材質研究所 研究生
1994(H 6)年4月~1995(H7)年3月
日本学術振興会 特別研究員
米国ニュージャージー州立ラトガース大学 博士研究員
台湾國立清華大學 客員教授
台湾國立陽明大學 客員教授